
Requisiti degli imballaggi in legno verso l'Indonesia

L'Indonesia ha annunciato che adotterà lo Standard ISPM n°15 a partire da settembre 2009.

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Indonesia has announced that it will implement ISPM15 in September 2009.  Although Indonesia has not yet officially implemented ISPM15 as a landing requirement for wood packaging material, the Director of Belawan Plant Quarantine Station, Agricultural QuarantineAgency, has confirmed that pending the implementation of the ISPM15, Indonesia is prepared to accept ISPM15 compliant wood packaging without a phytosanitary certificate, provided that it is treated and marked according to the ISPM15 specifications. To facilitate clearance at the points of entry in Indonesia, it is highly recommended that the WPM be accompanied by a packing declaration.  (Updated 6 May 2009). '

Addendum 20 april 2009 (10,96 KB)Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (74,58 KB)Example of an acceptable ISPM 15 FCL Packing Declaration (26,82 KB)

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